Friday 4 September 2009

LL Cool J Vs. Canibus

"99% of your fans wear high heels"

This has gotta be one of hip hop's most famous beefs, with one of the most no-holds-barred diss records ever. The story goes that on LL's 4,3,2,1 record from Phenomenom, Canibus rhymed 'Is that a mic on your arm? Let me snatch it'. Recorded before he laid down his verse, and directly refering to his microphone tattoo, LL hit back with a 'know-yo-place-bwoy' set of lyrics. Check the last verse;

Canibus was savage in his retort. Musically solid, the record hit Mr. Smith on every level. 'Second Round K.O.' not only straight wrecked LL from begininning to end, but featured Mike Tyson (whom LL referd to in '4,3,2,1' as an equivalent), and was an obvious nod to the classic 'Mama Said Knock You Out'.

The beef stretched on for a while longer after this but it all got a bit boring with the Lady's Love responding with 'Ripper Srikes Back', then Canibus's 'Rip The Jacker', then LL's 'Back Where I Belong'... you get the idea.

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